Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Simple Pleasures

I was thinking today of all the very simple things that I enjoy.  There are actually quite a few, but the list started at soap.  I bought a hose reel for my water hose, and boy, did we have at it!  That sucker gave me fits and I was sweating so bad.  I got it all put together and then tried to use it.  Well, one of the valve things started spouting out water.  I was furious!  I unwound all 100 feet of the hose, and I messed with it until it (almost) stopped leaking.  Then I went ahead and watered my garden and yard.  However, it was so hot that the water soaked up pretty fast.  Anyways, I decided to take a shower and realized how much I love soap!  It is wonderful!  Anyways, I started thinking about other "simple pleasures," and I decided to blog about them.  I'm a dork, I know.

So some other Simple Pleasures include:

fresh mowed grass
ice cream
baby laughs
Skype (maybe not so simple)

This is just what I thought of.  What are your simple pleasures?