Saturday, February 20, 2010

17.5 Months

This is for you, Sam!!!

Reina is right around the corner from being in nursery! It will be weird without her those last two hours of church, but she needs that socialization with other children her age. She LOVES other kids... especially the ones her size. She thinks it is amazing.

Reina knows so many animal sounds! It is hilarious! Tiger, monkey, fish, duck, cat, dog, horse, giraffe, cow, pig, frog, bird, and snake. She says "chomp" for giraffe and puts her hand in the air. She also waves her arm for snake. She also talks all the time! She loves to sing and dance. I am so proud of how fast she learns.

She also says all our names. Kari is "caca" (also what a bird says), Alex is "al-c" (kinda sounds more like Alice), Mom is "Nonah," Patti is "Tay-Tay," Dad is "Papa," Jackie is "Cackie," Sam is "Ham," and I am "Momma" and "Mommy." She calls Mika (babysitter's daughter and her bff) "Meena." Mika calls Reina "Meina." It is adorable!!!

She eats ALL THE TIME! Since she is so active though she doesn't put on a lot of weight. It worried me, but the doctor is not worried about it.

Anyways, I will try to update (like I said last time) more.


  1. YAY!! Thank you for the update. It is exciting to read about everything. Keep me posted... and I'll try to keep you posted. I love you!

  2. You are welcome! I love you too!!! Btw... we got our tickets! I can't wait!
